Hi fellow
bloggersToday is the anniversary of
wtmblog. I started this blog exactly last year today. There are more than 16,000 click in the past year so it's about 50 per day. It's not a very good number but I think it's not a bad number as well as 1/144 is not a very popular topic in the U.S. (or in Europe). I think there are more viewers in Asia but since there was no such blog in English when I started so I decided to create one in English to serve my fellow 1/144 collectors (as most news are coming from Asia).
English is my second language so hopefully everyone can understand what I'm talking about and like what I share with you regarding the 1/144 world. Unfortunately, it seems Japan's market has switched the focus from the 1/144 world to something else such as 1/48 in the past year. For example, only one release of
WTM and one
relase of
Cando this year proved that. And there are a lot coverages regarding 1/48 in most Japan magazines but most 1/144 coverages are gone. Forward looking, I think the 1/144 airplanes still look good and the
release of WTM in the US can stir things up a bit (not so optimistic in my opinion from what they offer and the pricing). But if they start releasing something new not been released in Japan before, I'll be a happy guy.
Anyway, I'm happy with my blog so far and will try to keep posting as frequent as possible. Unless I expand the scope of this blog to something else, it's tough to have a new post everyday since the 1/144 activities are very few today. I think the direction of this blog is what I need to think about in the near future.
At the end, I would like to thank everyone who visits my blog and wish you all have a happy wonderful December (
Stugs. 8-)..... mouth watering ).