I went to the USS Hornet Museum here in bay area with my son during the spring break. It was an interesting experience as last time I went on an air carrier was when I was a kid like his age. Anyway, a very interesting experience for him and me. The boat is not the biggest as it was built in WWII but I wrongly thought it was the one fought during the Battle of Midway. In fact, it was a new one as the one fought in the Battle of Midway was sunk soon after that battle.
Not too many plans on board too but at least there is a F-14 and the A-4 actually is one of my favorites. We also went to the bridge but it was quite small. Probably not upto today's standards. Even I said the ship is not too big but we had spent couple houres and couldn't walked thru whole ship (probably only 50% of accessible areas). We need to leave as my wife and son were very tired already. Next time I should go to the Midway which is berthed at San Diego. Pictures can be found below.