Hi guys
Long time no talk as I was struggling with my new computer with Windows Vista installed. I know it's not advised to use such a new OS in the first few months, my old PC crashed every 30 minutes so I must buy a new one as it'a 5 years old machine.
If you're an ebay seller like me. Please be careful before you upgraded to Vista as I had waited for a while until ebay finally came up with a Beta version "ebay Lister" which some how fixed the bug with Vista. However, it's not fully functioning yet. Beware.
Anyway, no big news lately except there was a rumor in a Japanese site. If I understand correctly, probably it mentioned WTM 10 actually was on show in the Kaiyodo booth in WF2007 and probably behind doors also everyone saw them had signed a NDA (Non-disclosure Agreement). I don't know how much truth is that but that piece of message excited me already. It would be wonderful if anyone can provide more info.
I have many items need to load them into my ebay shop these 2 days as I haven't done that for a while due to the Vista problem, that's it for today and hope you like the above big bird 2 picture.