http://f22.aaa.livedoor.jp/~raccoon - this link has a few pictures on upcoming F-Toys Heliborne 3, Takara Japan Sinks Series as well as the new Big Bird Series.
Here is a picture of Bigbird. I like the He-111 very much so it's a must buy item for me. Here is the next modern planes from F-Toys.
So Big and good news..looks the 1/144 is not dead...!!
he-111,G3M and P-61.. very good choices (this give us the hope and , we still have space for a B-17 ,Ju-88C/G and Do-217 in a Vol.3)
not forgot the He-219 and Ki-45 of Twin engines series...(the other could be a Beaufighter!!! in mediterranean colors!! or me-210/410!)
In Acroteam 2...the F-18 Blue angels,and F-5 Swiss.. we could have a French Alpha jet,brazilian Tucano and new mig 29M OVT a CASA C-101EB or a old T-37 ?
How about a ju52 for a stalingrad diorama.....
I think the 1/144 airplane is not dead as I think there are still many options available. The armor area is not so good as we haven't heard anything from Takara on the next release yet. If they release on 2 sets per year schedule, the next one should be around Sept/October time frame but no news yet.
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